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	<dataset scope="document">
		<shortName>Historical Kelp Database</shortName>
		<title xml:lang="es">
			Histórico Cocinera base de datos para el quelpo gigante (Macrocystis pyrifera) de la biomasa en California y México.
			<value xml:lang="en">Historical Kelp Database for giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) biomass in California and Mexico.</value>
		<creator scope="document">
				<surName xml:lang="es"><value xml:lang="en">Reed</value>Reed</surName>
			<address scope="document">
				<deliveryPoint>Marine Science Institute</deliveryPoint>
				<deliveryPoint>University of California</deliveryPoint>
				<city>Santa Barbara</city>
				<country>United States</country>
			<phone phonetype="voice">805 893 8363</phone>
		<creator scope="document">
			<address scope="document">
				<deliveryPoint>Marine Science Institute</deliveryPoint>
				<deliveryPoint>University of California</deliveryPoint>
				<city>Santa Barbara</city>
				<country>United States</country>
		<associatedParty scope="document">
			<address scope="document">
				<deliveryPoint>Marine Science Institute</deliveryPoint>
				<deliveryPoint>University of California</deliveryPoint>
				<city>Santa Barbara</city>
				<country>United States</country>
			<phone phonetype="voice">805 893 7295</phone>
		<abstract xml:lang="es"> 
			<para xml:lang="es">
				<value xml:lang="es">something in Spanish</value>
				<value xml:lang="jp">something in Japanese</value>
				<value xml:lang="fr">something in French</value>
				ISP Alginates (formerly Kelco Co.)  has collected information on the abundance of
                giant kelp (
                <emphasis xml:lang="en">
                	Macrocystis pyrifera
                	<value xml:lang="es">something in Spanish</value>                	
                ) in California and Mexico from routine aerial
                surveys since 1957. The standard protocol consists of an observer visually
                estimating the amount of harvestable giant kelp biomass within designated kelp beds
                from a small fixed-wing aircraft. Observations were recorded on paper data sheets in
                the field and archived in notebooks housed at ISP Alginates. With cooperation from
                ISP Alginates, the SBCLTER converted ISP Alginates long-term records of giant kelp
                biomass into a digital format. The database consists of a data table containing kelp
                biomass, a catalog of maps. The format ISP Alginates used to report kelp abundance 
                data changed periodically over the course of the collecting period. 
                These details, pus descriptions of designated kelp beds
                are described in the protocol document.
                	something something something
                	<value xml:lang="es">something in another language</value>                	
                	<listitem><para>item 1<value xml:lang="en">translation item 1</value></para></listitem>
                	<listitem><para xml:lang="en">item a</para></listitem>
                	<listitem><para xml:lang="en">item b</para></listitem>
			<keyword keywordType="theme">giant kelp<value xml:lang="es">kelp gigante</value></keyword>
			<keyword keywordType="theme">biomass</keyword>
			<keyword keywordType="taxonomic">Macrocystis pyrifera</keyword>
			<keyword keywordType="theme">Historical_kelp</keyword>
		<intellectualRights> <para>Users of data collected under the auspices of the SBC LTER are expected to adhere
                to the following conditions: (1) The user agrees to provide valid name and contact
                information to the SBC data manager prior to downloading online data. This
                information will be used to contact the user in case of changes to the data, and may
                also be used by data set authors and SBC LTER project administrators to document
                data usage. (2) The user agrees to cite the author and SBC LTER in all publications
                in which SBC LTER data are used, as per the instructions in the data documentation.
                If no specific instructions are provided in the data documentation, the user is
                requested to include the following statement in any acknowledgements:"This
                material is based upon work done by the Santa Barbara Coastal LTER which is
                supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement
                #OCE-9982105. Any opinions, findings, or recommendations expressed in the material
                are those of author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National
                Science Foundation". (3) The user agrees to provide one copy of any
                manuscript based on SBC LTER data to the data set author prior to submitting it for
                publication. (4) The user agrees to send two copies of any published manuscript
                based on SBC LTER data to the following address: Principal Investigator, SBC LTER,
                Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. (5)
                Users agree not to sell or redistribute any data provided by SBC LTER without
                explicit prior permission from the data's author. (6) Users are encouraged to
                contact original investigators responsible for data. Where appropriate, researchers
                whose projects are integrally dependent on SBC LTER data are encouraged to consider
                collaboration and/or co-authorship with original SBC LTER investigators. (7)
                Extensive efforts are made to ensure that online data are accurate and up to date,
                but the authors and SBC LTER will not take responsibility for any errors that may
                exist in data provided online. Furthermore, the user assumes all responsibility for
                errors in analysis or judgment resulting from use of the data. (8)The user agrees to
                abide by all terms of the SBC data use agreement.</para>
		<distribution id="Image Catalog of Kelp Beds" scope="document">
				<url function="download">http://sbc.lternet.edu/external/Reef/Data/Historical_Kelp/Maps/</url>
		<distribution id="Overview of Historical Kelp Data Project"
				<url function="download">http://sbc.lternet.edu/external/Reef/Data/Historical_Kelp/Historical_Kelp_Overview.pdf</url>
		<distribution id="Sampling Locations for Historical Kelp Data"
				<url function="download">http://sbc.lternet.edu/external/Reef/Data/Historical_Kelp/Data/historical_kelp_locations.csv</url>
		<coverage scope="document">
			<geographicCoverage scope="document">
				<geographicDescription>The Geographic region of the kelp bed data
					extends along the California coast, down through the coast of Baja,
					Mexico: Central California (Halfmoon Bay to Purisima Point),
					Southern California (Point Arguello to the United States/Mexico
					border including the Channel Islands) and Baja California (points
					south of the United States/Mexico border including several offshore
			<temporalCoverage scope="document">
			<taxonomicCoverage scope="document">
											<taxonRankValue>Macrocystis pyrifera</taxonRankValue>
			<description> <para>changed naming scheme to knb-lter-sbc</para>
		<contact scope="document">
			<positionName>Data Manager</positionName>
			<address scope="document">
				<deliveryPoint>Marine Science Institute</deliveryPoint>
				<deliveryPoint>University of California</deliveryPoint>
				<city>Santa Barbara</city>
				<country>United States</country>
			<phone phonetype="voice">805 893 2071</phone>
		<publisher scope="document">
			<organizationName>Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological
				Research Project</organizationName>
				<description> <section> <para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Notes on data collection</para>
 <listitem> <para>Beginning January 8,
                        1968, data on kelp biomass were occasionally reported on paper as the sum of multiple
                        beds (e.g. a single value was reported for beds 2 and 3.) In such cases, the
                        reported tonnage was split evenly among the combined beds in the digital version.</para>
 <listitem> <para>prior to September 17, 1962, some of the bed designations
                        used by ISP Alginates differed from those of the California Department of
                        Fish and Game. Data recorded under these earlier ISP Alginates bed
                        designations were entered into the database under the corresponding CDFG bed
                        number. A conversion table of ISP Alginate bed numbers and CDFG bed numbers
                        is shown below.</para>
				<protocol scope="document">
					<title><value>Overview of Historical Kelp Data Project</value></title>
					<creator scope="document">
					<distribution scope="document">
							<url function="download">http://sbc.lternet.edu/external/Reef/Data/Historical_Kelp/Historical_Kelp_Overview.pdf</url>
		<project scope="document">
			<title>KELCO/ISP Alginates Historical Kelp Harvesting
			<personnel scope="document">
			<abstract> <para>ISP Alginates (formerly Kelco Co.) has collected information on the abundance
                    of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) in California and Mexico from routine
                    aerial surveys from 1958. The standard protocol consists of an observer
                    visually estimating the amount of harvestable giant kelp biomass within
                    designated kelp beds from a small fixed-wing aircraft. Observations are recorded
                    on paper data sheets in the field and archived in notebooks housed at ISP
                    Alginates. With cooperation from ISP Alginates, SBC-LTER converted ISP Alginates
                    long-term records of giant kelp biomass into a digital format. This document
                    describes the organization of the Historical Kelp database and the methods that
                    were used to create it. The format ISP Alginates used to report kelp abundance
                    data changed periodically over the course of the collecting period. This
                    document also describes the steps taken to standardize the historical records of
                    kelp biomass into a consistent format.</para>
		<dataTable scope="document">
			<entityDescription>Time series of giant kelp biomass along the
				coasts of California and Baja, Mexico</entityDescription>
			<physical scope="document">
				<size unit="bytes">2375561</size>
				<distribution id="Historical_Kelp_Data.csv" scope="document">
						<url function="download">http://sbc.lternet.edu/external/Reef/Data/Historical_Kelp/Data/Historical_Kelp_Data.csv</url>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Date of the Survey</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>The Date of the aerial survey</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">date</storageType>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeDefinition>Year survey occurred</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">date</storageType>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Calendar Month</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>Calednar month survey occurred</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">date</storageType>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Calendar Day</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>Day of the month survey occurred</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">date</storageType>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Geographic Region</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>The geographic region of the bed, Central,
						Southern or Baja California</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">string</storageType>
								<enumeratedDomain enforced="yes">
										<definition>Central California (Half Moon Bay to
											Purisima Point)</definition>
										<definition>Southern California (Point Arguello to the
											United States/Mexico border including the Channel Islands)</definition>
										<definition>Baja California (points south of the United
											States/Mexico border including several offshore islands)</definition>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Kelp Bed Code</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>Bed numbers in California (central and
						southern) and Baja were assigned by different bodies and are
						unique only within a region. (see Methods)</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">string</storageType>
									<definition>any text</definition>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Bed Name</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>Common name of kelp bed (98 beds total)</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">string</storageType>
									<definition>any text</definition>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Harvested Kelp</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>Amount of kelp harvested (tons) since
						the previous survey. Note: harvest data are only available after
						March 25, 1991.</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">float</storageType>
									<minimum exclusive="false">0.0</minimum>
									<maximum exclusive="false">100000</maximum>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Total Biomass</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>Total biomass (tons) of kelp in the bed
						observed by the aerial survey. note: In early surveys, ISP
						Alginates labeled this column "Maximum".</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">float</storageType>
									<minimum exclusive="false">0.0</minimum>
									<maximum exclusive="false">100000</maximum>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Amount of Avalaible Kelp</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>Amount of kelp (tons) available and
						accessible for harvesting. In early surveys ISP Alginates labeled
						this column "Minimum".</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">float</storageType>
									<minimum exclusive="false">0.0</minimum>
									<maximum exclusive="false">100000</maximum>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeLabel>Date of Previous Survey</attributeLabel>
					<attributeDefinition>Date of the previous aerial survey.</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">date</storageType>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>
				<attribute scope="document">
					<attributeDefinition>Observer notes</attributeDefinition>
					<storageType typeSystem="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">string</storageType>
									<definition>any text</definition>
						<codeExplanation>not available, or not collected</codeExplanation>