#dataone.mn.baseURL=https://dev.nceas.ucsb.edu/knb/d1/mn dataone.mn.baseURL=https://valley.duckdns.org/metacat/d1/mn index.data.root.directory=/var/metacat/data index.document.root.directory=/var/metacat/documents #The section for the rabbitMQ configuration #index.rabbitmq.hostname=host.docker.internal index.rabbitmq.hostname=localhost index.rabbitmq.hostport=5672 index.rabbitmq.username=guest index.rabbitmq.password=guest #If you change the number of the max priority, the existing queue must be deleted. And consumers must use the same number. index.rabbitmq.max.priority=10 solr.base.uri=http://localhost:8983/solr/metacat-index solr.query.uri=${solr.base.uri}/select/ solr.index.uri=${solr.base.uri}/update/?commit=true #solr.schema.path can be a url or a file path solr.schema.path=${solr.base.uri}/admin/file?file=schema.xml&contentType=text/xml;charset=utf-8 #solr.schema.path=./src/main/resources/index-solr-schema.xml #You may specify the exact number of threads the indexer will use. #If you keep it blank, Metacat will use the default one - the system processors number minus one. If calculation result is 0, 1 will be used as the default value. #If the one you specify exceeds the default number or is less than 1, the default one will be used as well. index.thread.number= #The time (millisecond) that the resource map processor waits for the solr doc readiness of its components index.resourcemap.waitingComponent.time=600 #The number of the attempts that the resource map processor tries to wait for the solr doc readiness of its components index.resourcemap.waitingComponent.max.attempts=15 #The time (millisecond) that indexer will wait to grab a newer version of solr doc when a version conflict happened index.solr.versionConflict.waiting.time=500 #The number of the attempts that indexer tries to grab a newer version of solr doc when a version conflict happened index.solr.versionConflict.max.attempts=25 dataone.indexing.performance.logging.enabled=false D1Client.CN_URL=https://cn.dataone.org/cn index.resourcemap.namespace=http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar;http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms dataone.mn.registration.serviceType.url=https://cn.dataone.org/mnServiceTypes.xml