<% String version = (String)request.getAttribute("d1_version"); String revision = (String)request.getAttribute("d1_revision"); String buildTime = (String)request.getAttribute("d1_buildTime"); String sourceBranch = (String)request.getAttribute("d1_sourceBranch"); %>
DataONE Member Node Web Services Tester
Test Version / Revision / Build Date: <%=version%> / <%=revision%> / <%=buildTime%>
Source Branch: <%=sourceBranch%>
Member Node BaseURL:
API Version:
Tests to Run:

Advanced: Test-object series suffix**

to test basic Member Node (MN) API service implementations.

It cannot test every behavior required by MNs, particularly:
  • behavior that requires CN interaction (e.g. MN.getReplica)
  • behavior that requires MN interaction (e.g. MN.replicate)
  • method implementations that limit access by client subject
Tests are organized by API, with one or more test for each method in the API. Tests cover not only expected "successful" behavior, but also that the proper exceptions are thrown as appropriate.

Interpreting Results:
Each test attempts to provide:
  • a meaningful name
  • pop-up text with explanatory notes for each test (when you hover over the question-mark icon)
  • a descriptive failure message containing the last URL called*
  • a stack trace as a starting point for further introspection on the test
*Tests that fail while setting up the test (connection issues, or not meeting starting conditions) and before making the API call will only display the member node baseURL.
** Tier 2 Member Nodes need to have content owned by specific test subjects pre-loaded in order to pass some Tier 2 tests. The series designator is the number or letter added as a suffix to the end of the testObject base name, put there to allow the set of test objects to evolve over time, or to supersede defective testObjects. For example, if you created a 'TierTesting:testObject:Public_Read.1', you need to set the value in the input field to "1" so the tester looks for that object and its cohort. Tier 3 and higher nodes do not need to specify a suffix, as the WebTester will create the test objects it needs for Tier 2 tests.