Test Result: 1 test failing out of a total of 36 tests.97
Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History

Changes between #95 and #110

#110 (Sep 20, 2018 8:22:37 PM)

  1. refs: #8700: downgrading spring, solr, solrj, compiler, and httpClient dependency versions to what's in the 2.3 branch and production. Changes made across the d1_cn_common, d1_cn_index_common, d1_cn_index_generator, and d1_cn_index_processor components.  There is a refactored HttpSolrClient construction method that needed refactoring.  Downgrading loses the builder in favor of the "new" method. — rnahf / detail

#109 (Sep 7, 2018 7:01:39 PM)

  1. decrementing the junit version to 4.10, because 4.11 and higher break some unit tests related to LDAP. — rnahf / detail

#107 (Sep 6, 2018 6:42:37 PM)

  1. standardizing dependency versions in trunk (2.4-SNAPSHOT)::  compiler: 1.8;  spring: 4.3.8.RELEASE; solr: 7.1.0; and junit: 4.12; — rnahf / detail

#106 (Sep 6, 2018 5:17:37 PM)

  1. backed out changes related to rabbitMQ and AMQP in general.  Kept the spring and jvm version upgrades. — rnahf / detail

#105 (Sep 6, 2018 5:02:37 PM)

  1. merged the 2.3.0 tag (found no changes) — rnahf / detail

#104 (Sep 5, 2018 6:57:36 PM)

  1. adding the uncommitted QueuePublish class.  It looks like an earlier version of QueueAccess, before QueueAccess became read-write. — rnahf / detail